Reorders specified fields in the output while keeping the original order of unspecified fields.


| project-reorder FieldName1OrWildcard[*] [asc|desc|granny-asc|granny-desc], FieldName2OrWildcard[*], FieldName3OrWildcard  [direction], ...


Field NamestringThe name of the field to be reordered in the output.
[direction]stringOptional. Specifies the sort order for the reordered fields. Can be one of: asc, desc, granny-asc, or granny-desc. asc or desc orders fields by field name in ascending or descending manner, respectively. granny-asc or granny-desc orders by ascending or descending, respectively, while secondarily sorting by the next numeric value. For example, b50 comes before b9 when granny-asc is specified.


A table with the specified fields reordered as requested, followed by any unspecified fields in their original order. project-reorder doesn‘t rename or remove fields from the dataset, therefore, all fields that existed in the dataset, appear in the result table.


Reorder all fields in ascending order:

| project-reorder * asc

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Reorder specific fields to the beginning:

| project-reorder method, status, uri

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Reorder fields using wildcards and sort in descending order:

| project-reorder repo*, num_commits, push_id, ref, size, ['id'], size_large desc 

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Reorder specific fields and keep others in original order:

| project-reorder trace_id, *, span_id // orders the trace_id then everything else, then span_id fields 

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